Lawton doctor gives insight to palliative care

Lawton doctor gives insight to palliative care

Often times when people think about palliative care, they associate it with hospice, but palliative care, which helps get people’s pain under control higher doses of medicine, isn’t only for those on hospice nearing the end of their life. Dr. Richard Brittingham, an...
Lawton doctor gives insight to palliative care

What a Hospice Chaplain’s job entails

When we think about hospice, many people often think about the doctor and nurse, and maybe even the social worker that will be coming in and taking care of the loved one, but a chaplain is also part of that team. Chaplain Daniel Litchford joined Comanche County...
Lawton doctor gives insight to palliative care

Palliative Care at CCMH

Comanche County Memorial Hospital has a Palliative Care team that works with patients and their families to provide an extra layer of support to patients with serious illnesses. November is National Hospice and Palliative Care month. However, hospice and palliative...