According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Deep Vein Thrombosis is a serious condition that is often under-diagnosed. However, Doctor’s say it’s preventable.

Deep vein thrombosis, or DVT, is a medical condition that occurs when a blood clot forms in a deep vein, usually in the lower leg, thigh, or pelvis, but they can also occur in the arm.

“The symptoms of DVT, are swelling of the legs and pain or discomfort in the legs,” says Interventional Cardiologist, Dr. Eugen Ivan. “If the blood clots have gone to the lungs, then the most common symptoms are shortness of breath, sometimes chest pain, discomfort, or fatigue.”

Dr. Ivan says it can happen to anybody, but there are things that will increase your risks.

“The most common risk factor is inactivity,” said Dr. Ivan. “Immobility either because the patient is temporarily immobilized like after a fracture or orthopedic procedure. Or because they just don’t move a lot during the day.”

If left untreated, it cause serious illness, disability, and in some cases, death.

“One of the consequences is the pain and swelling,” said Dr. Ivan. “And if it’s not treated in a timely manner, the clot can extend and eventually can break loose and go into the lungs and cause other more major problems there.”

The good news is that DVT is preventable and treatable if discovered early.

“One thing you can do is increase your activity level,” said Dr. Ivan. “Another thing after having an orthopedic surgery, is take preventive blood thinners for a certain amount of time.”